pg11 gps
Hi jehan;
Default baud rate is 4800 for GPS receiver. But you need to change the baudrate from 4800 to 38400, from the application.
<protocol> 0=SiRF Binary, 1=NMEA, 4=USER1
<baud> 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400
<DataBits> 8,7. Note that SiRF protocol is only valid f8 Data bits
<StopBits> 0,1
<Parity> 0=None, 1=Odd, 2=Even
Example 1: Switch to SiRF Binary protocol at 9600,8,N,1
Example 2: Switch to User1 protocol at 38400,8,N,1
**Checksum Field: The absolute value calculated by exclusive-OR the 8 data
bits of each character in the Sentence,between, but excluding “$”
and “*”. The hexadecimal value of the most significant and least
significant 4 bits of the result are convertted to two ASCII characters
(0-9,A-F) for transmission. The most
significant character is transmitted first.
**<CR><LF> : Hex 0D 0A
After changing the baud rate change the baud rate in the UNAV to see the output or in your software also.
to configure only the parameter then follow this.
Query/Rate Control ID:103 Query standard NMEA message
and/or set output rate
This command is used to control the output of standard NMEA message GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG. Using this command message, standard NMEA message may be polled once, or setup for periodic output. Checksums may also be enabled or disabled depending on the needs of the receiving program. NMEA message settings are saved in battery backed memory for each entry when the message is accepted.
<msg> 0=GGA,1=GLL,2=GSA,3=GSV,4=RMC,5=VTG
<mode> 0=SetRate,1=Query
<rate> Output every <rate>seconds, off=0,max=255
<cksumEnable> 0=disable Checksum,1=Enable checksum for specified
Example 1: Query the GGA message with checksum enabled
Example 2: Enable VTG message for a 1Hz constant output with checksum enabled
Example 3: Disable VTG message
I have problem in sending mail to It bounces back so I will post it in the forum also.
Then in your application your need to capture only the required parameter. In UNAV also you can configure the required parameters in NMEA command interface also.
Try and let me know.