Much better now. You will have full control of L298 speed & direction with this.
A few other points I noticed --
1) make sure the high current tracks on your PCB are wide enough to carry the higher current. (what IS the motor spec's - you have still not specified)
2) you don't really need C11, C12, R9. Maybe later if you have trouble with ringing/ oscillations
3) The LCD backlight is usually just like a normal LED, so if you want to control that, you could drive it directly from uC pin with a 470ohm in series. As it is not, your LED/ Q1 will probably blow.
4) Your reset circuit is slightly unusual - though it looks like it will work too.
5) Pin3 on LCD header is used for LCD contrast setting. It should typically have a potentiometer connected to allow contrast adjustment. I have never seen a diode used here.
6) you don't really need a 2nd 7805 just to drive the LCD - just use the common Vcc. interesting to observe that BOTH your 7805's are labeled U2 !!
7) ideally you should put in a series resistor on input of your 7805 - you are dropping ( 24 - 5 = ) 19volts here! So even a 100mA load will cause the 7805 to dissipate 1.9watts - its typical rated power without heatsink. I suggest you plan for a heatsink, and plan for a series resistor here of around 2W size. Until we know what the circuit load is, can't say much more...
8) Since I do not think you will be needing extreme high timing precision, you can also eliminate the crystal, and just use the Internal RC oscillator set for the same 8MHz.
9) I assume you will remember to enable the pull-up resistors on the port pins PC0..3, otherwise your keys will have no effect. Also implement some software debounce. Putting in a small cap (~1nf - 10nF) across each key will help in the debounce issue.
10) on the uC, Vcc, AVcc, Aref can all be shorted and tied directly to your VCC line, with a single 100nF to ground. Usually you will not need the L1. I don't think you are using ADC or even AIN, so all this is not required.
And lastly - in case you want to later also monitor the motor current - you can leave provision to connect a low-ohm ~3w-5w resistor between Isens and ground. Then connect Isens also to AIN1 of the uC. You have to use AIN1 since all the ADC pins are already used up. Then you could plan to sense an over-current situation by using the Analog Comparator function, where you set AIN0 to be Bandgap Reference (~ 1.23v). So suppose you want to detect if motor current is >2 amps. Then you choose the resistor to be ( 1.23v/ 2A = ) 0.615 ohms. This does NOT limit the current by itself, it only allows the uc to know if current is >2A and take corrective action if required.
thats it for now...