[General] L293D problem- giving outputs but running one motor at one time| weird

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Er Sanjit

Newbie level 3
Apr 19, 2014
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I am making rf based metal detecting robo and i had used 8051 for controlling the operation. The rf is fine and programming is also i think okay as i am getting desired outputs at 8051 output pins and L293 output pins.

The problems arise when i connect motors to the L293d's output pins,

1) ever if i get 8V at both sides of L293D, the motors didnt work when i connect them. ( the motors are fine )

2) when i connect one motor to L293D, then the motor works .. and on other side the output is 8V too ; but as soon as i connect the second motor too... the first motor also stops

3) If i keep running one motor with L293D, after 10-15 seconds the robo stops.

I am getting this problem first time in my experience. I have no guide / partner, so i am sharing it with you people. Hope, someone here will help me please.

and can this be problem that I have used only one 9V battery on the entire circuit of 8051-L293D and H12D ( RF IC )??:?:
but also the output is 8V on L293D,
then why the motors are not working:?

Please help as i had to make my robo work asap.


Er S


schematic or picture would be great.

Maybe your supply voltage drops when two motors are connected. This leads to reset of 8051.

Use a larger battery, use large bulk capacitor, decouple uC supply with LC.

Good luck

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