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JDM programmer problem?

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Jun 2, 2002
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12c508a jdm programmer

Hi. i can't program a PIC 16F84A with JDM Programmer on PC with Win98SE OS, PIII 450mhz and ASUS MoBo setup? and also i can't even erased a programmed PIC 16F84A with that PC setup? but i can write and erased a PIC 16F84A on PC with WinME OS & AMD K6-2 300mhz setup (sorry i don't know the MoBo)? i'm using IC-Prog 1.05C and all ic-prog setup were all the same on both PCs. BTW, the error on Win98SE setup is "Verify failed at address 0000h!".... any idea where should be the problem?


jdm programmer problem

ICprog 1.05c dosnt work correctly with 16F84A
Try V 1.05 , still available at

jdm programmer vpp issue


i have noticed that the new version 1.05c have problem and have serieus
bug with it it's failed to program lot of pic, instead of 1.05a have no bug and working fine so tell any solution come out you will used 1.05a

jdm 7 voltios

tried already version v1.05 and v1.05A but still the same and BTW i already tried on winXP PRO but i can only erased a programmed PIC16F84A. when it comes to writing/programming i always got same error. is this already a problem with my PC? is there any setup or setting that i should have to change on my COM PORT?

16f84a jdm not enough current

First, did u check hardware (setting menu) ?
Vpp # 13V ?
Inverted signal ?
Echo Data out => in ?


Take a look here :

**broken link removed**

Probably your comport is only supplying +/- 5v , and not enough to get it into programming mode.


modifing jdm programmer for external


how to do it? and also there's no problem in programming to other PC (AMD K6-300Mhz).

jdm programmer external supply

there are a nice jdm based programmer that was published by a french magazine
I have it at home, it is really nice because it use buffers, and external power suply
it only need 5V to work fine (have power conversion inside 5 to 13,5v)
so if you need it ask me at

modify jdm external

When I built mine I had problems with intermitent operation.

The 13volts programing voltage must be a high voltage Mine was only reaching about 7 volts. I took any load off the ( led indicator) and raised the value of the charge capacitors and got the voltage up to 11,6 volts. Now works OK


jdm programmer pcb

I'm thinking about jdm programmer
and it is a great and simple programmer
but there are a aproblem (i think)
it can not work with only one zift soquet with 40 pin
to program all devices
there are one option (put a pic to control it)
but control will be external (by hardware, a switch or something like it)
maybe we can do it
or maybe we can do a programmer like yapp
if some can write soft to control the programmer want help
i can make the hardware

think about it

how to check jdm programmer

iDk said:

how to do it? and also there's no problem in programming to other PC (AMD K6-300Mhz).

Maybe the first PC has not enough power supply on RS232
Check all the device :
1/ Connect JDM to RS232
2/ Power on voltmeter :wink:
3/ Test each output when activated with settings/hardware check :
#5V for Dout, Clk, Vcc
#13V for Vpp
4/ Each voltage must be set when the checkbox is activated, other invert level in settings/hardware, Communication options (with regular JDM hardware all communication options are unchecked = not inverted)
5/ When Dout is checked Din ('signals in') must echo checked too

I have the JDM programmer and also intermittent operation, although for a strange reason it sometimes works with certain PICs than others (all PIC16F84). Tried 1.04 to 1.05 Cversion of IC-prog, the same.

Has someone figured out what is the real cause of this, is it the capacitor value as said above?


try change in Hardware Settings "Direct I/O" to "Windiws API"

I didn't have much success with the windows API mode anyway, I think it is something in the JDM HW

Try looking at your voltage level on the VPP pin

I've the same problem on my pc prtoable, and is Vpp problem, just 10V in my case. On desk Pc I found 13,2 V.

Soem PC cannot give the required voltage and current for the programming.

I have a hardware unit with an onboard 12c508 so that a 40PIN ZIF socket is used to programe all pic micros.The driver is IC-PROG.I am using one now.But I dont have that onboard software to duplicate that piece.The chip is code protected. Can anybody help me to either copy that or locate a similer software?

hello,I am having a similer problem.I have a programmer which has a onboard 12C508 controller.I t is capable of programming almost all pics. I want to do a similer programmer with a on board firmware so that almost all pics can be programmed using a single 40PIN ZIF .Can anybody suggests such a firmware for JDM programmer or any way to read my code protected 12C508 so that I can duplicate the programmer

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