Jave Standalone exe...

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Mar 8, 2004
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jexepack unpack


I have developed a hyperterminal software in java. I have used Swing2 for GUI. Now i want to make its standalone exe for Windows. Is there any tool which can do this..

unpack jexepack


Your answer is quite simple.
Use JexePack from Duckware.
It is fine. It will convert your full java application to a stand-alone win32 exe file.

1. h**p://www.duckware.com/jexepack/

* -> t

Read exactly the comments and insructions presented with the application.
I have tested and used it frequently.


jave to exe

sory jimm its not that simple as you thought

JexePack embraces Java technology: Some people think that producing an EXE is destroying the Java platform. Far from it. Your Java program is still 'all Java' and is still being run under a Java VM. You are just deploying your Java program as a native EXE. It just makes a lot of sense to deploy your application in a format that is native to the Windows OS. And if your Java program is a tool that might be integrated into other programs, having an EXE to "exec" is crucial.

So jim you still need java class files there to run this exe.. it is not a stand alone exe as of VB or C.
i hope you got the point

how to make jave exe file


The point you mentioned is correct.
This is why the major EDA vendors use another approach that mades their engineering and software teams to write down one code and port to various platforms like Windows, Linux, Solaris, HPUX, AIX and etc.

The solution is comes from another Tool called TCL (Tools Command Language)
The TCL Dev. Kit comes with a tool that converts a TCL into EXE file. This tool is the same too that makes possible you have modelsim for both linux and windows and solaris. This tool is the same too that makes you nlint x-hdl, cadence tools and many other vendors tools avilable in various platforms.

So, If you want a eal answer please migrate to TCL. For the first step beside of TCL DEV Kit I suggest you to use TCL pro.


java to standalone exe

HI Jimm,
Thanks for reply. But my problem is still there.
I have used Microsoft virtual machine for java which makes a standalone exe file from .class files. But the problem is that it just support java1.2 or earlier. Also i dont know how to add new JAR files to it. Like, I have used Swing in my application and there is no support of Swing package in java1.2 so Microsoft toolkit dont compile it. If you have some idea about this, then pleas tell.. :!:

java +standalone +exe

simply the best:

J2Exe is simple application that makes an executable file or windows service for your java application. The output file uses default java which is installed on PC in order to launch your java application. You can start it with specific java version if you put it in bin directory of this java version. Supported versions till this moment are JDK1.1.x, JDK1.2.2, JDK1.3.x and JDK1.4.x of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

we used it to makin a stand alone exe file from a very complicated project. very nice. i thought it had swing too, but i'm not sure.


standalone exe java

dear dani,
all you mentioned about java philosophy is right. the point is that, JVM capturing the J codes, and make a local code frome it, and run it. thus, you can have the local code too. the local code could not be move between OSs, but is faster, and stand-alone.


try GCJ with target platform switch is Windows+(ur processor)

in my thinking stand alone exes are against java theme as mentioned in the above posts

I test all of these programs. But all of these program first unpack the class/jar files into a temp directory & then run this class using java/jview command.
You can use thinstall. It produces a single exe file from your files & runs it. You can put your class & jre into it.

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