it is surprise plz tell me how

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I don't understand the question. A thermocuple consists of a single junction of dissimilar conductors. It is used to convert temperature to voltage.

Heat does not get transferred from one junction to the other (well, there may be some transfer, through conduction, but that is not the point)
What the thermocouple does is it produces a voltage based on the tempererature DIFFERENCE between the two junctions (the Seebeck effect)

The Peltier–Seebeck effect, or thermoelectric effect, is the direct conversion of thermal differentials to electric voltage and vice versa

yes sir ,
i know that i want to know how it is happening .in peltier effect one junction will be getting cool how?

Electronica said:
The Peltier–Seebeck effect, or thermoelectric effect, is the direct conversion of thermal differentials to electric voltage and vice versa

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