[SOLVED] issues in programming atmega8a......

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Deexith Hasan

Advanced Member level 4
Oct 24, 2014
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a untouched atmega8 is programmed wrongly with external clock fuse bit instead of internal clock how to change...it is possible to erase the chip? or reprogram the fuse bit???

when i tried to erase or reprogram i got this error

"power turned on..
power turning on failed...." in extreme burner

y how to solve this.......

if i'm programming with internal clock then external crystal is not needed ah?

selecting the avr programmer.......

i bought a usbasp programmer but wrongly set the clock fuse......normally in a eager i will not see the fuse bits and programm mcu madly...so damaged so many avr mcu....so pls suggest me a gud and cheap programmer with that i can reprogram fuse bits of avr..

programming in avr mcu

i bought a atmega8 with inbuilt arduino bootloader....but i'm having hex file generated from winavr how to program the mcu....

i'm also having arduino can i replace arduino mcu with atmega8 and burn hex file is there any software for it??

Re: programming in avr mcu

i bought a atmega8 with inbuilt arduino bootloader....but i'm having hex file generated from winavr how to program the mcu....
When the Chip you bought has a pre programmed bootloader, it should work as an Arduino and you may use the Arduino IDE software to program the chip further.
In case you decide to indipendently program the chip with the hex you have generated by winavr, you dont require the boot loader in the chip. You may use any generally used programmers like USBasp to program the chip.
You can erase and reprogram the chip with required fusebits. But in case you cannot erase the chip, you have some problem with ISP connections or the chip was programmed wrongly with SPIEN disabled in the last attempt.
Re: selecting the avr programmer.......

No Cheap programmer can program / reset fusebit. You need a parallel programmer to reset the fusebit which is costiler.

As far as i know usbasp is the cheapest programmer in the market

re-read my post#2.

you don´t need a programmer, just supply your devices with clock.


Yes, I know that,
Reading the OP's post it seems he is new to AVR and not experienced. It would be easier for him if he gets a parallel programmer.
if i'm programming with internal clock then external crystal is not needed ah?

When you use internal clock then no need to connect external clock source.

Once Atmega8 fuse bits are locked, it is difficult unlock the fuse bits.

For unlocking the fuse bits we should use STK500 tool kit.
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