isd 1700 (sound recorder) problem

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Newbie level 4
Sep 3, 2011
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hi guys,

currently im trying to make a standalone sound recorder using isd 1760py chip. but after many attempts, i couldnt get a working result.
datasheet =

tools/components that im currently using;
power supply = USB power connection (5V 100mA(if connected from usb hub/computer) or 500mA (if connected from wall socket))
chip = isd1760py
mic = standard electret condenser mic
speaker = cheap non-polar speaker.
board = on breadboard. not pcb.

tests/configurations; basically ive tried to connect the components in various ways. most notable changes are the way capacitors are connected. other than that, ive made the ground isolation and supply isolation. follow the design guidelines, but i think i mustve overlooked something.

1)in my first attempt, i didnt put 0.1uF bypass capacitor between supplies and ground, only 10uF capacitor because the legs of 10uF are long enough for me to plug em from 1 pin to another pin crossing over the chip. on the other hand, 0.1uF legs are too short. if i want to connect them, i have to use extra wires. so in the end, i only connect 10uF capacitor between the IC legs as bypass capacitor instead of connecting 10uF and 0.1uF parallel together.
result = LED works perfectly fine ( LED stays on during recording, flashes quickly during playback, and flashes slowly during erase). tried recording using microphone, no result coming out of speaker(only hissssssssssssssss). i tried recording through analogIN, no result coming out of speaker. simply hisssssssssssssssssss. feed through of anaIN to output is working.

2)in my 2nd attempt, i put both 10uF and 0.1uF capacitor paraller to each other where bypass capacitors btween supplies and grounds are needed. due to short legs of 0.1uF, i had to use wires to connect both capactiors to particular pin. in general, [Vccpin]-[wire]-[10uF||0.1uF]-[wire]-[Gndpin]
result = LED flashes in every configuration - not working. no output from speakers for both types of recording (microphone & anaIN), not even hisssssssss sound. feed through is working for anaIN.

3) my 3rd attempt, i only use 0.1uF capacitor, with wires to decouple the supplies. same result with 2.

so im currently kinda lost, idk what else to do. ive tried connect them in different spare chips, or even use brand new breadboard lol. simple help or solution is really appreciated even in keywords

p/s, when i looked at the videos on youtube, i noticed that their circuits are really simple, not too many capacitors, etc. i wonder whats wrong. =S (isd1700 - YouTube)


thank you kak111, i think i know the problem, will look into it =))

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