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I was wondering about the power consumption of VCOs, i.e ring oscillators. Considering the acquisition range only we would expect the input the the VCO to change and thus the output frequency. Is it correct to assume that the power during acquisition bill be dynamic and can be expressed as P=Vdd²×C×fout_average?
Here, C would be the load of each cell, or rather the parasitic capacitance associated with a simple inverter cell and fout_average be the average output frequency of the VCO. I would also think that the above equation would have to multiplied by the number of stages in the ring oscillator.
Is it correct to use above equation for the power conumption of a VCO during acquisition?
Here, C would be the load of each cell, or rather the parasitic capacitance associated with a simple inverter cell and fout_average be the average output frequency of the VCO. I would also think that the above equation would have to multiplied by the number of stages in the ring oscillator.
Is it correct to use above equation for the power conumption of a VCO during acquisition?