Is this correct method to calculate the Ah of the battery ?

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20Ah battery would be enough for 1 Amps total load for your PC .
If UPS voltage conversion effiency is high and with good battery maybe 15Ah is sufficient charge.
An approximate measurement of a battery’s ability to provide energy i.e it’s charge capacity, is it’s rating in ampere hours (Ah) or amp hours.

So a 100 Ah battery will produce 100 amps for 1 hour.

This capacity can be divided up any way you choose.

100 Ah could produce 1 amp for 100 hours, or 50 amps for 2 hours, 4 amps for 25 hours or 25 amps for 4 hours etc.

Battery capacity (Ah) = Current drawn (I) x Time (H)

or you could cross multiply and get..

Time = Battery capacity / Current drawn

Current drawn = Battery capacity / Time

So when choosing a battery for your set up, you need to know how many amps you will be drawing and for how long.

That works fine for a relatively slow discharge, but when you draw high currents batteries will show their inherent non-linearly. See mister_rf's previous post for some good reading.

100 Ah could produce 1 amp for 100 hours, or 50 amps for 2 hours, 4 amps for 25 hours or 25 amps for 4 hours etc.

to powermanonboard

before write your comments read allways all previous posts
your text is not true !!!
Why so , that is one of the main points in this discussion.
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