Ah, no.
That transistor will have run out of puff long before 466MHz, the collector load should probably be some sort of matching network the emitter has an AC degeneration resistor that has a silly value, and you have no impedance matching network on the base.....
So apart from EVERY part being wrong for an RF power stage it is fine.
The basic idea sort of works for a buffer amp or pre driver, but all the components are wrong and the RF version would use inductors and caps to form some kind of L match network at the collector in place of that resistor.
Get thee to a book shop for a copy of "Radio Frequency Transistors" by Dye & Granburg, or maybe a copy of "Experimental Methods in RF design", Granburg is a more theoretical coverage but it does include the design eqns, EMRFD is a more hands on approach.
I would suggest that power amplifiers at UHF make experienced engineers cry upon occasion, if you lack an RF background you will have problems.
Regards, Dan.