Is there such a thing as a "portable 'army'-based television set"?

Jan 5, 2025
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Ok, what I'm relating this type of technology to is... those hand-cranked rechargable flashlights equiped with a strobe beacon and a wireless AM/FM radio - for cases when you have to stay updated during a natural disaster or going camping.

So... is there such a thing as a portable wireless TV set that's designed for camp grounds, but with some sort of antennas to recieve satellite channel connections for the viewer?

For comparison and contrast...
I have a few of the hand-cranked led flashlights. Whether one or three or five led's, they go dim as soon as I stop cranking, no matter how long or how fast I cranked.

If we ever resort to pioneer living we're lucky if we have AA cells. Two fresh cells can power a palm-sized TV set. Maybe for a couple hours.

Radio sets with headphones are a good option. Require little power to receive, a little more to transmit.

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