Well I suppose one could write a tool to take an X86 emulator written in java and hook it up to an array of assembler (more practically an array of binary code), it would technically meet the spec, but would I suspect be quite useless in practise (As almost all such tools are).
Seriously, trying a direct line by line port between two very different languages is pretty much ALWAYS a mistake, it begets nothing but maintanance headaches.
Far better to read the assembly (possibly tracing it out in a debugger if it does anything that interesting) and then design a way to do it in your target language in a way that fits that languages standard idioms. That way you have something you can modify a year or two from now, instead of an unmaintainable buggy mess.
Unless the application is something very, very special, your time is better spent on a rewrite from scratch rather then a reversing effort, reverse engineering is a pain in the bum in all ways.
Regards, Dan.