Re: is there any tool that could translate verilog into vhdl
You can use X-HDL 3.2
It is the premier Verilog <=> VHDL bi-directional translator. X-HDL performs translation of even the most complex RTL/gate-level code efficiently and requiring few, if any, "hand tweaks" of the translated code. X-HDL also contains specialized algorithms which are very effective in translating behavioral-level code to functionally equivalent target-language code.
X-HDL is supported on the following platforms:
Sun Sparc: Solaris 8 and 2.6
HP-9000: HPUX-10.2
PC-Windows: Windows 98/NT/ME/2000
PC-Linux: RedHat 7.2 and 6.*
X-HDL uses industry standard FLEXlm licensing and provides both floating and node-locked licenses.