Is there a simple 8052 programmer?

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Advanced Member level 4
Mar 25, 2004
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at89c52 programmer


I have been looking on the net for a simple AT89c52 programmer that would have the following features:

- Does not require a second 8052 to be programmed
- Does not include half a dozen ICs (Latches..)
- Is fairl simple to do on a single sided PCB.

I have looked at the ASIM KHAN programmers, all versions but even the single sided was impossible to implement at home (tracks passing between IC pins was not possible).

Is there something like the JDM for PICs.?

Thanks for your time,


8052 programmer

Because of 8052 orignal frame,no simple programmer to do it like PIC or AVR mcu.
If you want 8052 programmer,I can supply sch and soft!

programmer 8052

you can use 89S52 , then it can be programmed easily .

8052 programmers

alphi, can you please specify the name of the programmer you have (is it ASIM KHAN type?). Thanks.

hm_fa_da, thanks for the suggestion, I know it sound the best solution regarding how simple is the ISP programmer for the 89S52 but unfortunately I haven't found it in my country.

Thanks again

programmer at89c52

Check my website: **broken link removed**

This is not for ATmel series but uses the BootLoader capability of the DS89C420.

simple 8052 programmer

I sugest you to use AT89S8252.

They have eeprom. I use very simple programmer, directly from parallel port to mcu, just 2 resistor and 1 capacitor which can be mounted in case of connector.

You can freely use this software. (

This programmer works nice.


80c52 programmer

89C420 is FLASH and faster, another the design is In-Circuit programmer.

simple 8052


I found the 89S52 finally! And successfully programmed it using the ASIM Khan ISP V3 programmer (It can also program AVR).


programer for 8052

Dear GlenJoy
I tried to open toyr web page at h**p://
but does not work. Have you changed it? I'm looking for a simple programmer for DS89C420 /30/40/50. I've built hte one found on maxim's site but doe not work

8052 isp programmer

i will not use at89c5x. there are other excellent chips support in system programming, such
as philips' LPC900 series.

transistors based phillips 89 isp progrmmer

I have a hand_made programmer for At89C51,AT89C52,AT89C55 using 3 74373 Latches and 1 74244 buffer,some transistors and diods,caps and resistors.Using parallel port and a program in Win XP,2000 I can write any binary file on the device.It's not perfect but run well and save me in several projects.If you can change it's power supply from 12V to 24V,you can use it for 80C51 ,2 too,I don't think you have to chage software cause the timing satisfied all this family products.
If yes,stay in touch with me.

circuit of atmel 8052 programmer

you can build your own programmer using parallel port and a simple program.I did it.Here's a simple prograsmmer for AT89C2051,which u can change it for your own purpose.

at89c52 parallel programmer

If you are looking for something that works from serial port and has ICSP this is the one, It can even plug in with a development board
**broken link removed**



programmer rs232 80c52

U can use 89s8252.. it has an inbuilt programmer.. U can directly program it using parallel port.

Dear I have in my possession several atmel at87c58x2, according to the manual is compatible with 8051, but eh not been programmed with those there on this topic, and use it as MPPT thought and design previously used in temperature controllers ... ............

some simple programmer that end, thanks in advance

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