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Is there a sensor that identifies metal, glass and paper?

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Junior Member level 3
Junior Member level 3
Jun 12, 2004
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Is there any sensors that can identified metal things, glass and papers?


Metal things, yes, try to use an inductive sensor, inductance changes when it is near a metallic object.

Glass and papers, I do not know if there is one existing a sensor for it.

Re: Sensors

If you find a sensor that identifies glass or paper... let me know...

What i don't understand, you want to identify one from other, i mean, if is not glass then is paper or you just want a sensor that tells you if an object is made of glass or if it is made of paper?

Re: Sensors

i'm figured of working on a "recycle bin" project that when you dump unwanted things into a machine such as glass bottles, newspapers, and metal things, the machines will sort them out into different places. Anyone can help me out with this?


Perhaps you could use a combination of several. For example, infrared barrier to separate crystal of paper, inductive for the metal...

Re: Sensors

hello I want to know how many types of sensors.
How sensors are classification?
May I know all basic of sensor? pls?

:?: :?: :?:

Re: Sensors

translate this:
Como bien dicen algunos colegas,puedes separar el metal facilmente con inductivos.Es mas , bastaria con un iman si se tratara de ferrosos.

Para el vidrio y el papel se complica porque adivino que los usuarios tirarian comida tambien.De modo que cuando quitas el metal debes separarlos por peso especifico antes de intentar distinguir vidrio y papel,para lo cual hay sensores de varios tipos,como capacitivos ,inductivos,opticos que distinguen los colores ,pero son muy caros,el ùltimo que comprè costò 1000 dolares.

Por ùltimo, debo decirte que el usuario, lleva consigo todo el microproceso y sensores para distinguir unos de otros y es barato,solo hay que educarlo. :)

Re: Sensors

As some colleagues say well, you can separate the metal with inductivos.Es facilmente but, bastaria with a magnet if she were ferrous. For the glass and the complica paper because fortune teller who the users tirarian food tambien.De way that when exempt the metal you must separate them by weight I specify before trying to distinguish glass and paper, for which there are sensors of several types, like capacitivos, inductive, opticos that distinguish the colors, but are very expensive, ùltimo that comprè costò 1000 dolares. By ùltimo, I must decirte that the user, takes with himself all the microprocessing and sensors to distinguish of others and is cheap, single is necessary to educate it

Is that true my translation? It is spanish. Thank for your help.

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