Re: Pic to8051 compiler
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Microchip AN880
Converting from 8051 to Microchip Assembler: A Quick Reference
Name: AN880
Date: 10/08/2003
Author: Gaurang Kavaiya
Description: When migrating assembly language programs from one family of microcontrollers to another, the first question is almost always: “What’s the equivalent opcode?” Some operations, like addition and subtraction, are self-evident and practically universal. Other instructions may have some subtle differences in syntax or spelling that make direct conversions a bit trickier. Occasionally, some instructions simply don’t have a direct equivalent in the target set, or an equivalent exists but is explained in different terms. Another question that arises is that of addressing modes. Typically, Direct and Indirect Addressing modes are standard in all architectures. However, they tend to be different in limitations and feature set.
Keywords: 8051, MCS51, Architecture, Microcontroller, PIC, PIC16, PIC18, Assembler