As far as I understood you have the Fourier transform X(ω)=cos(ω/2) of a discrete time signal x and you want to find x. It's not clear to me what you mean with "w=R". However I'll try to answer.
Hi albbg,
The solution for this says as : X^f(w) must be 2pi periodic if X^f(w) is dtft of x, but cos(0.5pi n) is not periodic,so dtft is not possible. Can you clarify this statement.
PS:w belongs to R i.e Real value
Thanks and regards,
I corrected a bit the final results in my previous calculation, however from your last post it seems your function is X(ω)=cos(ω*n/2) instead of X(ω)=cos(ω/2) of the original post #1. That is also depends from "n". Is it correct ?