Is PIC16F505 a good choice?

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Full Member level 3
Oct 22, 2015
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I am new to using and choosing a microcontroller, I want to use a microcontroller for my design and will be use for checking input and output current and voltages, it will also be used to trigger fets, battery charge monitoring. With my requirements of 7I/O pins and low cost microcontroller, I have chosen PIC16F505, will this be a good choice for my application. Moreover, Can you please help me on how to choose on the MCU frequency, ROM and RAM capacity and so as my ADC resolution and other MCU requirements.

You may feel handicapped with 7 I/O pins. But some pins are shared with other functions and if you want to program it in circuit, some pins will be unavailable. It is always better to have a few pins left over...

You may feel handicapped with 7 I/O pins. But some pins are shared with other functions and if you want to program it in circuit, some pins will be unavailable. It is always better to have a few pins left over...

Isn't most of microcontroller pins shared different functionality? Will it be better if other function be coded as software? How about this microcontroller PIC16F1503? what do you think?

Selecting proper microcontroller from the available controllers is the critical process .
But most of the MCU manufacturing company giving the selector tool .
So we can simply select which one .

Look for microchip ....
The answers to your questions in the original post really come down to what you need to do with the device.
That MCU has only 1K instructions in flash so your coding will need to be tight (unless it is trivial - your first posting doesn't sound like it).
As the ADC resolution, that MCU does not have an ADC so you will need to select an external one.
For the MCU speed, how fast do you need it to react? With an external crystal you can get up to 5 MIPS and the internal timer can therefore count at 200nSec intervals, but you also need to take into account the instructions needed to react to a timeout and then take some action and only you know that.
RAM sizes can be estimated reasonably easily in terms of how much data you need to keep track of. That device as 64 bytes of storage that is banked and 8 bytes that are common across the banks.
ROM is a different matter in that you need to look at the language you are programming in. With 1K instructions you probably want to look at assembler as the overheads from C can be (relatively) high.
Consider using a PIC18F device instead, the cost difference is very small, but the PIC18F devices are greatly superior.

If there are no compulsions to use only PIC16F505, then I too recommend the above suggestion - you can actually handle a more complex device far more easily.

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