Is PIC 16F873A out of production?

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Newbie level 2
Oct 12, 2008
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After some months I stay away from PICs, I saw in MICROCHIP's site that the PIC 16F873A is not recommended for new projects anymore.

The exact phrase is:
"Please consider this device: PIC16F883"

I suppose the 16F873A continues in production, but for a short time. Is that correct? What is the deadline?

Can anybody confirm that?
And about the other PICs from same line ('877, '876, etc...)? Are all next to the end?

The PIC16F873A is totally replaced by 16F883? Or I'll need to review all of my projects?

Thank you.

They are slowly fading it out. But, you need to review your code for the configurations of the I/O pins as additional feature is added. Thus, requires you to do the appropriate settings =)

The popular 876A just has twice the memory of the 873A so your code will run straight on it.

The even more popular 877A is the 40 version of the 876A so you will just need to set up the extra ports.

Microchip often recommend althernative newer chips but like the proverbial 16F84A chip they still produce them because they were so popular and the volume trade users need to replace them with the same.

Would think the 876A and 877A will be around for many a year.
I just saw in details, and found out that the 16F883 is very similar to 16F873A, but with some "good" improvements.
For example:
- Increase in memory space (RAM and Data EEPROM)
- Increase in the number of ADC (10 bits) channels: from 5 to 11
- And the best one: Precision Internal Oscillator (Factory calibrated to ±1%) - I believe this error (1%) is perfectly compatible with serial communications (RS232)!!!

There are other improvements???

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