Do you think the question of the top post is sensible at all?...or does it represent that i know zilch about electronics? ..Often, as you know, for cost's sake, you find yourself having to probe returned_failed electronics with whichever particular component in circuit, with all the other components around it...then you have to make sense of the DMM readings. Then there's the fact that the DMM applies some voltage to the circuit, and any IC's may get their silicon junctions "woken up" by this, and one can then get "interesting" readings. I mean, if the silicon in an IC gets "woken up", such that he [measurement voltage]/[measurement current] = 180R, then that could make you think its a failed IC, when it might not be.....then there's the fact that different DMM's have different voltages...some may actually forward bias the ESD diodes in ICs, etc etc.
I've searched the web for good guides on this, but any known ones gladly recieved