Is it possible to use a fast RAM module withouth motherboard?

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Member level 5
Jun 24, 2011
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I mean, is it humanly possible to use a fast RAM module like DDR2 typically used for PCs properly plugged into a homebuild PCB?
I need a fast way to write some digital data coming from an input source of my circuit into the RAM, and then be able to read the content of it from another homemade circuit.
Is this possible? How can I do that?
And also, do exist fast RAM module with a minor number of pins then those used in PCs, just to improve ease of use when inserted into custom homemade circuit?
Thank you!

Of course it is possible. But, you need some fast logic to interface the memory modules. One way is FPGA connected to DDR2 module. You can visit the and and look under the Evaluation Kits and Boards. Practically, every board has DDR2 module, and you can look in the schematics the wiring stuff. In the case of FPGA you'll need a proper IP core.


Thank you very much, do you think a Xilinx Spartan3 FPGA is enough for this?

And also, do exist fast RAM module with a minor number of pins then those used in PCs, just to improve ease of use when inserted into custom homemade circuit?
Recent PC memory modules are always 64 bit wide. You can use a single 16 bit wide DDR2 chip if you want lower pin count. But there are no 16 or 32 bit modules available today. Best suitable for instrument design are SODIMM DDR2 RAM dedicated to notebook computers.

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