is it possible to read PIC with cp active?

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Member level 1
May 23, 2001
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cp with pic

I read a lot of post about CP with pic, and i have always the same problem . Everybody tell me it's impossible to read pic with CP active, so i need to know if it's possible or not

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yes i've see it & i don't think it's good enough

as I understand myself there is no simple way to 'read' the contants
of a PIC which CP bit is blown.
The only way would be to unpack the chip in order to access the die
then protect the code zone memory and erase the CP bit with Ultra-Violets. But in newer version of PIC , the CP bit is protected by a metal
case which prevent you to erase the CP bit by UV. In this case the only
method would be to use a Laser Cutter or FIB Workstation which cost
several billions € and that only big semiconductors Manufacturers can
afford . So it is not simple.
Another thing Microchip the manufacturer should probably know the
way to "read" a secured PIC but they keep it secret!

CHESS said:
yes i've see it & i don't think it's good enough

this is not an easy task

but i have watched it happen
with pic f84A the full 64k block read from a cp blown chip
using the method of pickup i descrided

i think unless someone shows you like abc
you are not prepaired too experiment
with things you can make to "tune " into the block as it is read or loaded to "program" ram for running at mclr time {5us @10mhz} frame load capture using a digital storage scope
so therefore arent entitled too any form of schematics {i have these}

but put it this way

i know of several COMPANIES who offer data recovery for any bonified firm who wishes a code protected {anything} read and recorded i can pub a list of these and the units they resell to companies like alarm manufacturers and installers and banks who still use older pics in there dialers and data modules
even the fbi can do it
they use a simple reader ..... so explain that one ?????

what 15 pins say 000000000000000 this is how many zeros

how to hide an access code

i know stream all the ports hahahahaha and pull this bla bla and on the next frame hahaha send a bla

a back door

there is a law says nothing can be protected in such a way as it cannot be read by atleast some"body" being an offical one

most goverments enforce this with a treason type act..... in there law

the other solution altogether

is too use a unit that behaves {once set up } like the connections too your protected pic
then models the pics code using a just what does it actualy do method
even writing you code in hex you then just flash too a new pic test and refine

this method is 99.9% proof .....! for any type of actual compiler used

these tools you can find via google or on several pic sites ive seen

cant remember its details although ill find and post

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