is it possible for me to learn FPGA+verilog??

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Full Member level 4
May 3, 2007
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im a low level student.i done some work on microcontroller and have knowledge of c ,assembly..
but dats not enough..i wish to do work on FPGA and verilog.but i dont know how to start with.are they very difficult to learn??? can i become able to understand them??

i need ur help guys

plz plz tell me about their difficulty level.can a person like me work on FPGA and verilog??? and if so then how is it possible i.e where i shud start

i have zero knowledge of FPGA and verilog....
plz help


Compared to VHDL, this verilog is simple as C

Remember that Verilog is a hardware description language, and an FPGA is digital hardware, so you will need a basic understanding of digital design.

If you already have that knowledge, then go for it! A good way to get started is to buy an inexpensive "starter" development kit from Xilinx or Al.tera. It should include a small FPGA board and software development tools. Play with it, try the included example projects, and then try writing your own little projects.

I learned Verilog mostly from the techniques and examples in the Xilinx XST User Guide. For detailed Verilog reference, I used the IEEE 1364 standard.

You will encounter a *huge* amount of documentation and software (many thousands of pages and several gigabytes), so prepare yourself for that.

thanx for ur replies!
i will be able to buy kit only if i have some basic knowledge of FPGA and verilog..
is there any simulation software for them? so dat i can start small project on simulation software and then go 4 practical work:|
wat do u say

Both Xilinx and Al.tera have *free* versions of their development software. You could download it today and try it out. Xilinx ISE WebPACK includes two HDL simulators: ModelSim XE III Starter, and ISE Simulator Lite.

I'm not familiar with Al.tera's software:

A good small development kit costs about $150 US. Here's a popular Xilinx kit. Many others available.
**broken link removed**

Just download the ISE webpack laterst version....

Below is the link>>>
**broken link removed**

you can download a student version for the xilinx good for 50 days... then download the modelsim to simulate your codes... modelsim is a freeware but you need to register...

how to learn model there any manual or tutorial available?

yes if you know some about logic circut. you can study about fpga. you can study vhdl books and then work with cpld.

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