Is is possible to design a remote control using nRF24L01 and PIC16F628?

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Full Member level 3
Dec 21, 2011
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Nilambur, India
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Hi,I have already designed a RF remote control using 433Mhz RF transmitter&receiver + pic16f628.And this remote control is working fine.Now I am trying to replace the 433Mhz RF transmitter&receiver with nRF24L01 tranciever.But when I bought this one seems entirely different from the old RF transmitter and receiver.Actually I am trying to extend the range of remote control by using 4 nRF24L01 and I want to use 2 of them as repeaters.My idea is like this,there will be 4 units,the first one will be transmitter and the last one receiver,the remaining two will act as repeater

Transmitter-->>repeater-->>repeater--->>receiver ,

The two of them (repeaters) need to receive the signal and want to transmit again the same signal.In this way i think I will be able to increase the range.This is why i decided to replace 433Mhz one with nRF24L01

If you don't mind let me ask you something,

How to connect nRF24L01 to PIC16F628?
Can I use the same code here that I used for 433MHz?.Or can I modify that code easily to a nRF24L01 compatible one?

I am attaching the code(I am not great in coding and I wrote this with the help of my friend)


void main()
     int keyPressed;
     TRISA = 0xFF;              //set all pin of port A as an input
     PORTA = 0x00;
     TRISB = 0x00;              //set all pin of port B as an output
     PORTB = 0x00;
     CMCON = 0x07;
     UART1_Init(9600);          // initialize UART module

          keyPressed = PORTA; //
          Delay_ms(20);  // software debouncing time
          keyPressed = keyPressed & 0x1F; // masking higher 3 bits


                   case 0x1E:  UART1_Write('F'); Delay_ms(500);break;
                   case 0x1D:  UART1_Write('B'); Delay_ms(500);break;
                   case 0x1B:  UART1_Write('R'); Delay_ms(500);break;
                   case 0x17:  UART1_Write('L'); Delay_ms(500);break;
                   case 0x0F:  UART1_Write('S'); Delay_ms(500);break;



unsigned int receive;

void main()

    TRISA = 0x00;              //set all pin of port A as an input
    TRISB = 0b00000010;              //set all pin of port B as an output
    UART1_Init(9600);          // initialize UART module

    PIE1.RCIE = 1;  //
    PIR1.RCIF = 0;
    INTCON.GIE = 1;
    INTCON.PEIE = 1;


void Interrupt(void)   //
unsigned char receive0x00;

 if(PIR1.RCIF)        //

 receive = UART1_Read();


         case 'F': PORTA.F0=1; Delay_ms(500);PORTA.F0=0;break;   // Switching On and Off a particular port pin with 100ms delay
         case 'B': PORTA.F1=1; Delay_ms(500);PORTA.F1=0;break;
         case 'R': PORTA.F2=1; Delay_ms(500);PORTA.F2=0;break;
         case 'L': PORTA.F3=1; Delay_ms(500);PORTA.F3=0;break;
         case 'S': PORTA.F4=1; Delay_ms(500);PORTA.F4=0;break;


I'd greatly appreciate if you could help me

As a part of a festival here I want to use some temporary street lights.I need a total of 2km range,and there will be lights in every 150m range.So I am planning to fix a repeater in every 150m with each light and it will act as a repeater+it can use to turn on/off the light too.I am planning to design a 16 channel remote control.There will be one transmitter and 13 or 14 repeater.

@arun_190175 but I think SPI can use with pic16F128

@milan_rajik..Yes,I know I already checked that one.But I need to use a receiver in every 150m.And with the normal nrf24l01 we will get around 150m.And also if I can design a system like this then I will be able to extend the range to 3 or 3.5km if required easily

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