I did a quick calculation, even if I accept the speed of EM in coax is 5EE6m/s, at 20Hz, I calculated the propagation is about 1.44deg going through a 1m long cable.
With 500,000,000m/s the signal takes 2ns/m
A fullwave of 20Hz takes 50ms
Thus the phase delay is: 360° x 2ns/m / 50ms = 14.4u° / m.
But the audible phase shift is related to other frequencies, because one can not hear an absolute delay.
Now if the reference signal travel with 1,100,000,000m/s this means they take: 0.9ns/m.
The difference to the 20Hz signal is 1.1ns/m.
The phase shift is 7.9u°/m.
Not the best audio crossover filters come close to this values. They are decades away.
The phase shift in speakers (differece between different frequencies) is decades away.
Taking the travel speed of sound in the air into account this means we are speaking about.
(2ns/m, 300m/s) we are talking about 600nm (at 1 m cable).
This is decades away from any mechanical tolerances...
To be honest, I did not spend much time:
* but I did not found an IMPRESSUM at the ICONOCLUST site
* and I did not find any "iconoclust" on the BElden site.
To me it seems that they maybe buy cables from Belden, maybe even good cables.
But they are not related to Belden somehow.
The whole document is just "marketing nonsens" in my eyes.
I wouldn't be surprised if BELDEN dissociates from this document.