Is dual in-line package a problem for signals higher than 1 or 2 GHz?

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Feb 22, 2010
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Hello Guys,

Considering an integrated circuit that contain oscillators (LC-tank ) whose frequency of output voltage is higher than 1 gigaHz (1 Giga - 2.5 GHz) . Is it possible to measure the results if the die is packaged with DIP (dual in line package)?

It seems that the capacitance/inductance of this package is too high, what it would kill the high-frequency signals. What is the maximum frequency recommended for DIP package? I know that dies with RF circuits often uses QFP package.

Does DIP work as a low-pass filter? What are the issues that we would face if we choose DIP as package?

Thank you very much,

I tend to agree about 1 - 2 GHz, but don't think there's a generally valid frequency number. You should put in parasitic package L and C values from manufacturer models and analyze the effect in a simulation.

The usable frequency range depends on circuit impedance, gain and pin arrangement, particularly number of ground pins. DIP package parasitics may cause serious problems at some 100 MHz as well.
DIP package parasitics may cause serious problems at some 100 MHz as well.

When dealing with digital ("square wave") circuitry - it's the rise time that causes signal integrity issues. High frequency circuits dictate the use of high slew rates buffers - Therefore, the frequency effect on signal interity is actually indirect...

A DIP may work, but I wouldn't use it.
With that said, using the correct package isn't the end of story - improper routing schemes will cause disruptive effects. For example: having multiple through-hole via's for high speed signals will have a similar effect as using a DIP.
hello Guys!! Thanks for all replies.
How should the circuit impedance be for that the package parasitics does not damage the signal if DIP package is used? The small as possible?
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