IR2183 H-Bridge Design Problem

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Jan 10, 2009
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Istanbul , Turkey
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hello dear forum ,

I was using IR2113 before in an H bridge design

now I want to use IR2183

becouse this IC has cross conduction prevention inherently

this schematic

I took off IR2113 and put IR2183 with wires instead

I connected VCC to 15V, COM to GND, VB and VS to VB and VS of previous IR2113

I connected HIN and *LIN together to previous H output of uC ( STM32 )

however I cannot get any gate signal in the
osciloscope neither low side nor high side mosfet

I can see input PWM signal in the osciloscope

this is interesting : low side gate is always 0 V - at least this must be 15 V I think if there were not any HIN *LIN input

what I am doing wrong ?

thank you

IR2183 has a different input logic (like in the image bellow):

Just notice the pull-down resistor for HIN and pull-up resistor for LIN. Thus if you left the inputs floating, the low-side output will stay LOW (the input being held HIGH). The input/output diagram is as follow:

Using regular complementary input signals, both outputs will stay LOW.

- - - Updated - - -

I forgot to mention the solution: just tie together the HIN/LIN of IR2183 and drive them with the "old" (IR2110) HIN.

PS: Oh, you already did that. Check the input connection (STM32 > IR2183).
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hello thank you

I connected HIN *LIN together to Timer CH1 output of STM32

I can see the PWM signal at the osciloscope

but this is 3.3 V logic signal

is the input of IR2183 compatible with 3.3 V ?

second ) even if there is no Timer CH1 output
there must be 15 V gate signal at the LO output of IR2183
but I cannot see this - it is 0 V ( HO output is 2 V )
isnt this strange ?

PS. I dont connect the fuse of the 300V circuit - there is no power at mosfet drains - GND of power and logic cicuits are connected

If the inputs are floating (no connection to PWM signal), both outputs should stay LOW (due to input pull-up/pull-down resistors).

If the inputs are connected to your MCU and the signal is "0", you should have the LO output in HIGH state, indeed.

Anyway, if the MOSFETs are not working (no DC-LINK connection), there's no power supply available for the high-side circuit (the bootstrap doesn't work because the VS is just floating) thus the high-side could not be tested.

If your connections are OK and you don't have 15V at LO when LIN is tied to GND, I suspect a defective circuit.

The inputs are designed for 3.3V logic, too (0 - 0.8V means logic "0" and anything over 2.7V means logic "1"). Check your GND connection between MCU and IR2184. What are the input signal levels as read by the oscilloscope?

hello dear friends

I increased the power supply to 15 V from previous 12 V

and there were suddenly high side gate signal

however this signals has 5 V DC component ie not 0 V between pulses

second) the pulses appear 5 seconds and goes to 5 VDC 5 seconds and so on repeating - STM32 output is still there

the low side gate is 0 V always as before

what does all this strange things mean ?

I took photos of the osciloscope

here the circuit

here the STM32 output

here the High side gate

here the low side gate


Did you connect the DC-LINK? Like I said before, if the boostrap is not working (low-side MOSFET not connected) there's no power supply for the high-side circuit so you should have no output.

How did you measured the high-side output?.. referenced to GND or to VS? Have you double checked the connections? Do you have a spare IC (driver) to see if it behaves the same?

hello thank you

for commenting

the problem is solved

I think the DIP IR2183 ICs which I bought from China was fake - nothing else comes into my mind

the SMD ones worked good although from same reseller

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