IR transmiter output power problem

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I guess the 4th gate of 4011 is not used yet.
If you use it to invert the signal at pin 3 then your n-channel MOSFET will work fine.


Thank you, so i guess there is no p-channel MOSFET i can use in this case?

I guess the 4th gate of 4011 is not used yet.
If you use it to invert the signal at pin 3 then your n-channel MOSFET will work fine.


But i do not know how to do it, yes i know i have a lot to learn, and i will do it

But the 4th gate of 4011 is still free on your IC ... right?
If yes, I will try to draw what you will change at the output.

Please tell me if you like to use p-MOS instead of n-MOS... ok?

Oh... it is free & it is for frequency check... Sorry, I couldn't get which one is more important

My mistake, i do frequency chceck on pin 4 not 4th gate, for now all is like on image in first post.

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