[PIC] IR Remote Interfacing Basics

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Junior Member level 3
Jul 23, 2018
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Dear Seniors,

I want to use a IR remote for my project. For that I planned to start with simple IR remote interfacing with led ON/OFF. What are the basic should covered to do that.

I am just a beginner, Just gone through LCD interfacing Successfully. So kindly give your valuable suggestion.

Thanks in advance.


* the very first you have to do is to define your needs/ requirements/specifications.
* then look for similar projects. How did they design it. What do you like on these designs and what don´t you like?
* look for suitable electronic devices, read their datasheets and application notes.

Which Protocol you want to use for IR ? SIRC, RC5, NEC, etc.,... ? I can help you with SIRC and RC5 protocol based IR Remote control project C code for PIC.
I think your starting point should be selecting proper IR preamplifer/decoder. (I assume you will use a standard remote controller to send ir data to your mcu).
Have a check datasheet of part like TSOP17xx, then you need to know which protocol you use (as i know most common is RC5).

Good luck
It is easiest if you start with a working commercial remote control. Build a detector which amplifies a signal from an infrared sensor, and drives your led.

Radio Shack did/does carry an IR detector unit. Its output goes high when its built-in photodiode receives a light beam pulsing at 38 kHz.

Your detector needs a filter so that it ignores sunlight or room light.

I'm not familiar with those protocol. As per my searching through the internet I found RC5 is the common and widely used. So i want to continue my project through RC5 protocol.

Thanks for your valuable suggestion.

I have gone through RC5 protocol. And I tends to do the coding with RC5. I have one doubt regarding remote control which is suits for RC5.
Did I choose only PHILIPS remote control OR I can go for any type of remote control.
Why i'm asking this, while gone through the RC5 protocol and button command for the remote certainly i'm thinking about this. Please clear my doubt???


Did I choose only PHILIPS remote control OR I can go for any type of remote control.
"RC5" is like a language.
If you want to communicate in english, then you have a good chance to do this with an english person...or any person from any other country that is able to speak english.

--> If you want to use RC5 protocol then you have good chance with a PHILIPS remote control ... but you can use any other brand of remote control that is able to communicate via RC5 protocol.


Yes sir I understand. How do I find a remote control which supports RC5 protocol. Does it have any common method to find??? OR I have to go for a trail and error.


There is no easy way to tell which encoding a remote control uses unless you can attach a logic analyzer to the transmitter LED. Philips always use RC5 or RC6 so they are a good bet but other companies sometimes use it. 'Universal' remotes also have it so they can control Philips equipment.

Other manufacturers commonly use constant mark or constant space encoding where the pulses are always fixed width but RC5 uses a bi-phase encoding and the bit pattern is different on some codes if the RC button is held down and it 'auto repeats'.


I can give you a working code for RC5 decoder. Mention which MCU you want to use.

Thanks sir,

I'm working in PIC16F887 micro controller, MPLab as simulation software. Can you share me a code for that.

Thanks in advance.

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