[General] IR Remote based LED Brightness control

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Member level 1
Dec 17, 2013
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Hi engineers!........

I'm going to design IR remote controlled based LED Brightness Control!........

pls help to find,

which microcontroller is suitable?....

Expectations: Low Cost (unit price should be less than one dollar), Low Power (3.3 or 5V), PWM

Use pic controller from pic 12f series and then ir module is must may be diy

For less than a Dollar, you have great expectations.
Cheapest PIC with required functionality, PPIC10F320/322 has a price of $0.36/$0.39 in 5k quantities, add IR receiver, output MOSFET, you are way out $1 goal

You need two PICs. One for transmitter which has PWM. Generate 40 KHz burst. For button 1 burst time can be 2.4 ms and for button 2 burst time can be 4.8 ms. You need another PIC with TSOP1840 at the receiver. At receiver check if 4.8 ms burst is received or 2.4 ms burst is received. If 4.8 ms burst then increase the duty cycle from 0 to 255 every time a 4.8 ms burst is received and decrement from present value to 0 if 2.4 ms burst is received. When max or min values are reached, further incrementing or decrementing should no change the duty cycle. Both PICs should have PWM as LED needs one for brightness adjustment.

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