generator 38khz to microcontroller
I am working on a project to transmit data from PC to a microcontroller. I wrote my own protocol for transmission (A variation of PWM) But I can't get the IR receiver work. I have a 3 pin receiver. It is written on it 6038. It seems that it means the Receiver will work with 38 kHz carrier signal. I used a nice function generator on our lab to transmit 38kHz infrared. I connected a LED with 10k resistor to the output pin to see the output. When the freq varying knob is rotated past 38kHz, the LED lights up for, say 0.5 sec and then it goes down. If I send a very low freq square wave, say 300 Hz, the LED lights up dimly. Later I found out when any change of the IR is done (like putting your hand infront of the receiver), a pulse train is created that lasts about 0.5 sec, has 10% duty cycle. Is it a malfunction of the device, or am I doing it wrong?
My IR receiver is black, has a half sphere in front of it, and no metal casing. I connected a 100R resistor and 4.7uF capacitor to form a low pass filter to block the noise of the microcontroller too.
Please help me out.