IR components recommdation needed.

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Feb 24, 2002
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In my project I need a sensor act as safety device to detect if there is a person or an object. I will use IR transmitter and receiver.

Would anyone of you recommand me which IR component I should choice. The IR component will operate in daylight and night, and to detecting black objects. Is this possible to use IR componet in such conditions? Please give some recommandation and thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Siemens products

Siemens makes some good emitters and detectors. Make sure you use the detectors with IR filters. Pulsing the emitter and synchronously detecting it will get rid of the ambient light problmes. One further thing you can do is use a lens in front of the sensor.

If U use mid IR sensor (like the commonly used piroelectrical detectors for motion allarms), you will not need emmiter because the sensor detects the heat radiation of anything that have temperature sligtly different from the environment.

This is different from the transmitter/receiver pair which rely on a object xing the beam in order to detect it. In general there are ways for the intruder to detect the presense of an active allarm system, while there is very difficult to determine the presense of passive one.

If U decide to implement pyroelectrical sensors (those are cheap), you should bear in mind that the piyoelectrics react only on a RATE OF CHANGE in the temperature (it's derivative). It means that if some enters REALLY SLOW the field of view of such system, he may not be detected. To alleviate this problem, some should use optical chopper (presumably camertone type). Then the system senses the absolute value of the difference of the choper blade and whatever enters the field of view of the detector.

You can use TFMS 5360 for receiver module , it is cheap and easy to find.

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