IP core Licensing Options

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Aug 15, 2010
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The following text is licensing options for IP cores of a vendor. Can anyone please explain it in more details? What are "node", "seat" and "site" exactly?

Thanks in advance

A node is a computing device, so a node-locked license is one where the software may only be run on one machine. Usually you provide an identifying number such as the MAC address, and the license ensures the software only runs on the computer owning that MAC address.

A seat is usually a group of users. The license will only allow that group of users to access the software. Often the number of concurrent users is also specified.

A site is a location where the license can be used. If a large company has several offices, the license can be locked to computers or users resident at that site.

That is how I understand it anyway...

Thanks rberek

How can a netlist be limited to a node as it isn't like a software?

Its often because buying the IP adds cost to the standard licence. So instead of having to buy the IP for every licence, you just get 1 copy, meaning only 1 engineer can compile a design with the IP in it at one time, while the other engieers can get on with other projects not containing the IP. Obviously, if every design requires the IP, you may need to buy more licences.

The netlist wont be limited to a node, it just means only 1 node can compile at a time.
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The netlist wont be limited to a node, it just means only 1 node can compile at a time.
Does Xilinx ISE support this feature? How?

I want to know do I get an EDIF or NGC file? If yes, Is this file limited?!

The licence is just a small file with various keys to unlock various features. If you have a licence servers it will be the keymaster, and dish out the keys accordingly.

If your licence has the correct fetures, you'll get whatever output you want, and you can use it however you want, completly unlimited (you wont have access to the source code, so you cannot just cart it off without a licence.
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Excuse me Tricky! It isn't clear for me whether this mechanism is done by Xilinx tools or not.
The core is going to be bought from another vendor (not Xilinx). Do such vendors have their licensing software to get license file and output contents? or Xilinx supports licensing for third party vendors?

Actually I have another problem! A person wants to buy my own core. How can I limit the core to be used only by him? Does Xilinx have this feature?

Thanks a lot

If you dont go through Xilinx licencing, then you will have to come up with your own licencing scheme.

Do FPGAs have unique serial number like memories?

Do FPGAs have unique serial number like memories?

yes, there is an ID CODE for every FPGA. this ID CODE is accessible by using DNA_PORT primitive.
You can use it to protect generated bit streams from running on other devices.
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yes, there is an ID CODE for every FPGA. this ID CODE is accessible by using DNA_PORT primitive.
You can use it to protect generated bit streams from running on other devices.

Really COOL!!
But it seems DNA is only supported in Virtex-6 and 7 series. isn't it?

DNA_PORT is supported on SP3A, SP3A DSP, Artix, Kintex V6 and V7.

I think you can also use USER_ACCESS primitive on other devices. Take a look at Xilinx User Guides about USER_ACCESS.

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