IP CORE Creation for FPGA

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Newbie level 4
Jun 26, 2015
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How to create IP CORE from verilog code in Xilinx ISE

As others have pointed out use the Coregen flow or more advanced XPS flow!

Thank u all for your replies..

I have verilog code and i need to convert that verilog code as IP CORE for xilinx..
Can anyone tell me how to get an IPCORE from my VERILOG CODE..

I don't quite understand your question. If you already have a Verilog code why don't you go ahead and instantiate it your design.

My final year project is I have to convert my verilog code into IP CORE..

IP(intellectual property)s are key building blocks used in your design instead of designing it yoursef.which will save designing time+ so many advantages
My final year project is I have to convert my verilog code into IP CORE..

can you give some more information regarding this??
what you really wanted to do..

I'm wondering if the OP's intention is to package the core into the IP library. If that is the case there used to be information on doing that for ISE, but I don't have the time to look it up on Xilinx's web site. I know it can be easily done for a Vivado block design. I've done it a bunch of times and there are tutorials on Xilinx's web site describing the entire process.

First thanks for ur replies..

My project is I have to convert my own verilog code into an IP core..

(e.g) I have done Haar wavelet transform in verilog code.
My next step is I have to convert this Haar Wavelet Transform verilog code into an IP Core..
My requirement is, instead of using this verilog code as submodule.. I need like an IP Coreof this wavelet transform, which I can instantiate wherever it requires..

Anyone have any material for this verilog code to an IP Core or resuable code conversion?

To instantiate a IP core and to instantiate a plan old module (or submodule) is the same thing there is no difference between one or the other. If you are trying to protect your IP then that is when vendors do stuff like package it up into a "core" which is encrypted.

What you are asking makes no sense. I kind of get the feeling you don't know what you need to do or have a misconception about what you are supposed to do.

In #7 the OP has mentioned that it is needed for final year project. So it is my speculation that the OP is a newbie and is unaware of the design practices.

In #7 the OP has mentioned that it is needed for final year project. So it is my speculation that the OP is a newbie and is unaware of the design practices.

The request still makes no sense, as IP can come encrypted or unencrypted and it make no difference in how you use it in your code. Though it might make a difference in what tools can handle the encrypted version.

Whether or not an piece of code can be considered IP is another thing altogether and I think that is what the objective is for the project. This means making the code usable for others that would want to use it and including generics/parameters to allow someone to configure the core for their specific application.

But I suspect the OP has no clue as they have tons of theoretical knowledge and no practical knowledge, which is kind of ridiculous as engineering is supposed to be the practical application of theory (but isn't taught that way).

Definition from Google.
the branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.

do you mean that you want to know ho to generate
ise .ngc file, that you can use as black box later ?

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