IoT web server

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Junior Member level 1
May 14, 2014
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I am trying to develop an IoT enabled device which reads sensor data and sends it to a web server. I am using Wemos D1 mini, so that it can connect to the internet using wifi and send data to a web server. So far, I have developed the hardware part and getting readings from the sensors. Now I need to figure out a way to send this data to a database and then process it there later and access the data on website. Can you please suggest some platforms to do that or any other methods? Is it possible to setup a local webserver and connect it for testing purpose. I don't have much knowledge in php or web development. Please help. Thank you.

I think this one can help you. It's about Firebase. It's based on ESP-32. But the same method can be done with Wemos too. It shows how to access Firebase (a real-time database) to store and read values or data with ESP32.

Thank you for your replies guys. I have managed to make an sql database and is trying to connect the esp device to this database and store the adc value there and process it later. When I am using the http.POST command to send the data, the php code is not recognizing it as a POST request, instead it is recognizing it as a GET request. How can I solve this problem?

Is there any particular tutorial that you're following?

Hi. Now I am trying to connect all the ESP devices (around 20-50 devices) to a hub (raspberry pi), store the data there and send it to a webserver database. Can I connect a large number of ESP devices to the hub through a single wifi router or is it possible to connect all these devices to the hub directly without connecting to the modem? I am thinking about using node red to collect the data from all these devices and then send these data to a webserver database. Is this the best way to do this or is there any better way to do it? Please help. Thank you.

ESPXX as server with multiple ESPxx Clients -

Google "ESP8266 server multiple Clients"

Or of course use Raspi as server.....

Regards, Dana.
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I have used esp mesh and esp now protocols to transfer the data. There are a number of nodes and a gateway esp module which collects all the sensor data from different esp nodes and then passes it to the mqtt broker and then to node red. I need to control each node from the node red dashboard. For that I need to broadcast a message received by the gateway esp to all other nodes without knowing the mac address. I can do that while using esp mesh protocol and it's working fine. Is there any why I can send message without knowing the mac address of each node connected to the gateway?

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