I'd recommend something like a 74HCT14, a Schmitt trigger
inverter (hex) with a thrshold closer to the 1.4V TTL norm,
and some hysteresis which will clean up noise / chatter
somewhat. It will work below 5V, better than TTL will
(what with its Vcc-2*Vbe output high, loaded) and just
get a bit slower as supply reduces, but have rail-rail output.
The rest of them you can use for additional inversions.
Or to add more hysteresis by positive feedback and
resistor network.
This is a common part (TI, et al). Nexperia also makes
them for lower voltages (like 2.7-3.6V). Your shown
supply sort of sits in the gap, I'd use the 5V one, keep
the loading under 1-2mA and plan on a bit more prop
delay than the datasheet says.