[SOLVED] Invarter charging problem

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Newbie level 6
Dec 25, 2012
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My simple analog invarter is wark proparly. But have no current limiting cercuit when ac main is present then battery charging current is not conostant. Please can anyone help me by giving a simple face angel control cercuit that control current and protect output charging current up down. I want to conect face 230volt to transformar 140 volt tape and contorl battery charging current. Please any one help me by giving right cercuit diagram or link. Thank you.

Are you using micro controller for your inverter or just simple square wave?

No i am using sg3524n bage modified sine wave invarter. That wark proparly but my main problem is conostant charging. My invarter is charge my battery by p55 mosfet body diod. On day i look my friend invarter charging proses that impresing me cause that is conostant charging system. That use face angel control by 4n35+tyn612n+lm324n etc and ac 230volt suply 140volt transformar tape. That current is control by a pot.Thak you

you can simply use op-amp to do that like lm324 and you can find that on line or you build it your self, i have no much time due to the nature of my work ,i would have designed simple op-amp circuit and post it ,but you can still Google search you will see as many as you want.

What is the name this tipe of charger system. I want to control charger from ac side.

In Lahore this type of charger are sold with the name trickle charger kit. The kit control the phase angle of the transformer input by sensing the charging current and voltage of the battery. As a result the battery current remain constant and controllable.

please share this tipe of diagram. I am waiting for this cercuit

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