Without knowing the exact MCU or RF module you're using, here's two general possibilities:
1) Most RF modules output logic low when they signal an interrupt. Your statement that "when portb.f0=1 the interrupt occurs" suggests you may have set it up in reverse.
2) I think you're probably using a PIC16, which I'm not directly familiar with. On the PIC24 at least, external interrupts are edge-triggered rather than level-triggered; meaning they're triggered only by changes. When the interrupt pin goes low the first time, the interrupt will be triggered. But then, even after you clear the interrupt flag in your ISR, the interrupt will not be triggered again if the pin remains low. It must go high, then transition from high to low again (falling edge trigger), for another interrupt to occur. This tripped me up a few times when I wasn't properly clearing the source of the interrupt in an RF module. (And if you've set it up in reverse, as described in #1, you won't even get the first interrupt; since no low-to-high rising edge ever occurs.)
Interrupts will trigger in much less than a uSec, so I don't think that's an issue.