Interfacing with accelerometer

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You seem to be making heavy weather of this...

sorenriis said:
The requirements for sampling from the accelerometere are (at least):
- samplingfrequency: 5 kHz
- resolution: 16 bit

So you'll need at least a 10ksps 16 bit a/d, for one channel (and you could use a 30 ksps a/d multiplexed around 3 channels, if you really wanted to).

halls wrote:
From what i've read from the datasheet, i guess that sigma-delta ADC would be a good option. Actually it seems to fit very well in your application.

The trouble is that sigma-delta adc tend to be accurate, but slow. The LTC2487 mentioned earlier is about a thousand times too slow for the application, depending on whether you sample one ch or several.

Note that you can get semiconductor accelerometers which interface directly but don't quite meet your requirements (but are a whole lot closer than a factor of 1000 off). In general, semiconductor accelerometers are cheap and have integrated electronics, which allows the manufacturer to trim them in production. These are designed for things like airbags and the Wiimote/iPhone, etc.

In general, any time that you design things this way around (select some of the parts without taking into account all of the specification), you'll find that the parts of the specification that you didn't take into account turn out to be problematic/expensive. So, if you were designing with an accelerometer with an analogue interface, selecting a board with a suitable ADC would have been a good idea. If, on the other hand, you were designing with a digitally interfaced accel, then having the appropriate serial interfaces would be vital.

On the other hand a AD7655 looks good; the data sheet I have seen is for a 4-ch part and can be selected for serial or parallel interface; its succesive approximation, precise enough and fast enough (good). I'm not quite clear how the serial interface works as it claims to be compatible with several different standards including SPI and I'm not sure how you select the one you want.


    Points: 2
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In my opinion the AD7655 is too big for the needs of this project, and the ADS8320 fits well in this.

I understood that the sampling frequency needed was 5 kHz (2.5 kHz max signal freq), not 10 kHz. Anyway, this ADC fits in as well.

In the other hand you should take a look at what analog multiplexers are there on the market which suit the requirements of the signal (let's talk about freqs again, because the mux might act as a low pass filter itself) and estimate the total cost. In terms of cost it might be cheaper to just use the AD7655 (remember to include hand work on the cost though).

I don't know, I guess it's up to you and your requirements.


    Points: 2
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Again thanks for the answers.

Let me point out:
1) The samplingfrequency is 5kHz (max. signalfrequency is 2,5kHz)
2) I need 16 bit resolution
3) A 4-channel A/D-converter is not nessesary. If you have any good ideas for 2- or even 1-channel A/D-converters, please speak up
I will then start working on a circuit based on 2 or 1 accellerometers and then expand later, if time allows it.

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