I am designing a door camera . I needed to have a small camera with digital output so i decided to use TCM8230 and my dislpay is LCD 3.2 with SSD1289 display controller.
No I have a lot of probelems for this application :
1 - can I connect camera directly to LCD 3.2 inch to ?
2- I use LPC 1313 as microcontroller for my job but i am not shure this one is proper for my job or not.
3- is any RAM needed ? if yes AL422 is proper for it?
4- is this camera uses in any mobile sell phone ? I heared nokia n70 front camera uses this one .
I think The best way is that for showing the video I connect camera directly to LCD and for capturing picture I Interference with micro.
my first goal is to show the video and then capturing the pic .
Datasheet af camera :
application note of camera :
samlpe code with ARM:
I want to write my progress here .