Hello Everyone!!!
I had shared the memory card with PIC18F8722 and PIC18F2550.
The one thing i had done is that, PIC18F2550 is powered only through usb port, means only when someone attach the USB.
and PIC18F8722 is powered through the power supply.
The pic18f8722 and pic18f2550 are not connected with each other just gnd is connected and the memory card pins are connected.
Both are powered using separate supplies.
The problem i am facing is that, when i power on the pic18f8722 and the pic18f2550 is attached on the board, with no power to it.
It is getting some power, i don't know from where, it gets started then restart within a seconds.
And my memory card is not detected by pic18f8722, but when i remove the pic18f2550 from the board everything works fine.
Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem.
This is my pcb
Please help without this, i will not be able to proceed further