i think you should go with i2c based EEPROM and RTC if your controller support built in I2C. other go for SPI based if support.
if no one condition is satisfied then u have to write software I2C.
Which uC are you using? Does it have internal eeprom or do you want to use external eeprom. What is the Clock frequency? Which Compiler are you using? mikroC PRO Compiler?
Thanks to all for reply.......
As I am new in this field and I havn't much idea about this.....
I am using NXP 89V51RD2 microcontroller,24C16 EEPROM and have to use only for data lines of Lcd....
I have to show 'WELCOME' on the lcd after the complete read and write operation on EEPROM....
please somebody help me and provide me the codes for this.......
Which uC are you using? Does it have internal eeprom or do you want to use external eeprom. What is the Clock frequency? Which Compiler are you using? mikroC PRO Compiler?
You can find asm and C codes for RTC DS1307, LCD, EEPROM in the book "The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Using Assembly and C by Muhammed Ali Mazidi"