Interfacing HTRC110 with PIC

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Newbie level 2
Mar 2, 2020
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Hi guys,

Im trying to interface a PIC32 with an HTRC110 RFID reader to read the HITAG protocol.Im finding it quite difficult as there are no examples available in the NXP library and the data sheet doesn't really refer to the software part so im a bit lost here.
Any tips on doing this or any source code would be greatly appreciated.

The interface protocol is specified in section 9.7 of the data sheet with a break-down of commands in section 10.

If you use it in two wire mode, join the DIN and DOUT pins together but be careful to change the pin direction on the PIC at the right time as it will be used bidirectionally and also note the need for a pull-up resistor as DOUT is an open drain connection.

Note that this is the interface to the HTRC110 to send commands or a single byte of data or send a command and read a single byte of data. There is an additional layer of protocol to communicate with a HITAG tag and it depends on the version of HITAG you are using.


Thank you for your reply Brian.

Im using it with a 3 wire setup and I've already configured the conection between the pic and the ic but im struggling to understand how I should write the rest of the code, I've already understood the functions but have no idea how to actually implement them as I don't have any reference code of an implementation of a reading structure.I must point out that this is the first time im developing something like this.
If you believe HITAG2 is complicated I can also try EN4100 I only started with HITAG2 because it was the only header file in the library referencing a protocol to implement.
Thank you

I use RFID in several projects, usually with HITAG1 but sometimes HITAG2 but for convenience I normally use pre-built "MicroRWD" modules from IBT. They have a HCRT110 and a PIC16F87 on them which handles the low level interface and makes it look like a plain serial device.

I'm expecting delivery of a replacement HTRC110 tomorrow after having an accident (yes, even us pro's make wiring mistakes sometimes!) with one so I'll hang a logic analyzer off it and trace the initialization data so you can see an example of how to talk to it.

My replacement HTRC110 turned up and was fitted to get my RFID module working again. I attached short wires to the interface pins and hooked up my logic analyzer. Unfortunately, no matter what I tried it would only return 'communication error' with the extra wiring attached. When removed it works fine again.

So I'm sorry but the experiment didn't work. You should still be able to work out some code yourself. It is only a 16 bit clocked transfer with data out on the first 8 bits and the reply back on the second 8 bits.


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