Hi Jerome,
So you have T2 setup time ( 12ns ) from CS low to SCLK low.
T4 ( 40ns ) is DOUT valid after SCLK low.
I would suggest you synch the state machine to the 20Mhz clock:
always @ (posedge clock)
This gives 50ns aggregate timing.
Some FPGA chips allow clock multipliers does yours ?
Here is a rough example of a sequence:
State CS: Set CS low and set next state to T2_WAIT
(1 clock = 50ns). Allow for T2 setup time.
State T2_WAIT: set SCLK low and set next state T4_WAIT
(1 clock = 50ns). Allow for T4 data valid time.
State T4_WAIT: set SCLK high and set next state back to T2_WAIT
DOUT should be valid at this point.
This would generate a 10Mhz SCLK.
How are you generating the 10Mhz SCLK now?
You will need a process synched to the positive edge of SCLK for reading data from 7490 DOUT.
I'm a VHDL guy but I looked at some Verilog state machine code from this example: