[SOLVED] Interfacing a Monochrome LCD for Output of a Digital Circuit

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Member level 5
Mar 28, 2010
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Hello there everybody. I happen to be new in this forum. I visited some other threads before initializing my own. It was really nice seeing a quick and helping response available here.

Situation of my problem is, I am going to do a project for Instrumentation which indicates visibility using LDRs.
Basic scheme is:
1- I would use a network of LDRs to read light intensity from different directions of a subject body.
2- I would convert the voltages from LDR networks using ADCs.
3- I would process the digitalized information using a microcontroller.
4- I would then display the O/P in digital form using a monochrome LCD module.

Now, steps 1,2,3 have been taken care of. I have studied have almost sufficient knowledge on the subjects of 1,2,3
But I am really worried about step 4. I haven't worked with LCDs before. (Well, 7-segment displays aren't exactly LCDs). I have no idea about how LCDs are programmed or interfaced to display outputs.

I want help on the following subjects.
1- How LCDs are interfaced? Do I get a n-pinned module with on which I provide digital voltages on input terminals and the O/P is displayed on LCD? Is that so?
2- How exactly could the LCD be used in the scope of the above problem?
3- I am really confused as to what question should I ask. So you ask me questions instead and I will try to answer. It would give you an idea on how experienced I am and what else do I need to know in order to step into this LCD fiasco?

I shall be really glad if anyone of you considers this problem worthy of his supreme remarks and/or help. Thank you all./

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