interfacing a mobile phone

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Junior Member level 1
Dec 31, 2004
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hello everybody,..
does anybody know how could i interface a microcontroller to a mobile phone,..
what should i know to learn how to interface to a mobile phone in anyway,..
is there a way to access the mobile directly from the pc comm port,if so , what is it?
thanks everybody

when you are interfacing a mobile phone to a pc,there will be some softwares should be there in the pc to communicate with the mobile phone.and it varies according to the manufacturer of the mobile phone.teh mobile phone itself is an embedded system which consists of microcontroller/s in it


thanks for your interest mr. sunish..
but what i'm asking for is there a specific protocol or something like that such that i could deal with the embedded controller on the mobile..
i'm trying to build a software that can access the contacts lists on the mobile phone using the pc comm serial port for example,..
i'm gonna work on nokia mobile phones..
thanks for advance..

You must not have nothing special. For access to contact lists, use AT commands, which supported by your mobile phone. All mobile phones and GSM modems support such GSM commands, that allow
you read and send SMS, dial numbers, connect to other phones or Internet in standard mode( like ground modems , but speed will be only 9600) and in GPRS mode, with speed 44K (4 channel) for download and 19K (2 channel) upload = it's for GPRS class 10.
For all cases it's done by AT commands. Read manual on AT commnads for your mobile phone.

thanks mr. vvvvv ...
is there some article or a book that discusses these at commands in details..
or i should study the manual of the mobile i have...

disassemble your mobile phone and search for jtag (sure it'll be there but they have removed the pins - search for the pins in the board). connect it to ur RT-linux box and load the debugger.

if it is a linux based mobile u can disassemble the code.

what model of your phone

Added after 10 seconds:

what model of your phone exactly ?

nokia 3100

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