I have a robotic arm with 7 servos and I need to interface them with the 8051 microcontroller. Can anyone tell me pls how to to it. On the internet i found out that I have to create like a shield. Since I want to supply 6V to the servo in order to get maximum torque the custom 'shield' simply supplies Vin to the servos. The issue with hobby servos (especially high torque servos) is that, under load, the current consumption can be pretty high. Most tests performed on the web conclude that the peak draw is around 400mA per servo. Allowing for a little head-room (i.e. 500mA per servo) and the fact i have 7 servos, the power supply needs to be rated at over 3 Amps in order to do the job. So can someone tell me how to do the circuit pls?