Inter-winding capacitance of MSD1583-47uH coupled inductor?

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Please advise on the expected interwinding capacitance of the (below) MSD1583-47uH Coupled inductor.
Also, do you know how to add interwinding capacitance between coupled coils in LTspice?

Also, do you know how best to snub out resonances between leakage inductance and interwinding capacitance in sucha coupled inductor (for use in a 5W sepic converter).

MSD1583 -47uH Coupled inductor
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For a high K inductor I'd estimate something around 20-50pF, but you should measure it in any case. For modelling interwinding capacitance, adding lumped capacitances between the starts and finishes of the windings is probably a good start, but breaking the coil into multiple sections in series might make things more realistic.

Snubbing ringing caused by that capacitance should be doable using the same methods as with normal RC snubbers.
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