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integrate IAR workbench with Micrium uC/Probe

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Windows 7, IAR Embedded workbench, Micrium uC/0S-iii, and Micrium uC/Probe
The IAR is working with the Micrium eval board uC/Eval-STM32F107. The Micrium book shows the use of their uC/Probe. The book seems to indicate that their uC/Probe runs in conjunction with IAR Workbench. From what I see, they are two independent products.

I start the first example project and get it running. Micriums uC/Probe can be started separately, but it does not detect that IAR is running or that the eval board is present and running.

Does anyone know how to integrate Micrium uC/Probe with IAR Workbench. Or maybe, can it be done?

Just in case, if you have the Micruim book "uC/OS-III", hard copy or pdf version, page 776.

EDIT, 2 April 2012
I now suspect these two don't integrate at all, but operate separately. After more work I have found that the Probe program causes IAR to crash, then it stops working. If I start IAR, download and start the app on the eval board, then close IAR, Probe can be started and appears work fine. I suspect that is not the way it should work. I will continue working on this.
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I haven't used it, but based on my understanding of uC/Probe, I doubt it connects with IAR. But it looks like it can use a JTAG connection, so if you close IAR and configure uC/Probe correctly, it can probably use the same physical debugger that IAR uses. How are you physically connecting to the eval board?

Hello gartner,
I believe you are correct. If I shut down IAR, then Probe appears to run correctly. I wrote to Micrium and they suggested that. Seems rather funky to me that I must shut down the davelopment system to run the monitor/debugger. But if that is what it is, then that is what I must deal with.

This eval board connects via a single USB connector. The J-Link is configured as SWD. I am still new at this and am unsure of all that signifies.
I have another more comprehensive ARM eval board that connects via an ST-Link module and a 20 pin ribbon cable. I am wondering if that will be easier to more difficult to deal with.

IAR has its own debugger. During the debug session, it has essentially all the same capabilities as uC/Probe. The difference is that uC/Probe does not require a debug session.

Is there something you're doing with uC/Probe that you'd rather do with IAR?

Hello gartner,
I have no great preference for Probe over IAR. I elected to use uC/OS and the ARM processor as my learning vehicle and am following the Micrium book. I see that I can step through code, show locals, and the like with IAR in the standard manner. The Micrium book jumps into Probe and I followed it there. Just checking it out.

Probe shows some aspects that I don't see in IAR, but for now I will probably stick with the IAR tools. Suggestions and comments are appreciated.

I did neglet to ask how familiar you are with Probe? Not knowing that answer, I state for other readers:

It does have some nice features. It effectively becomes a GUI window into the running program, without having code in the program to show its operations. I don't know much about it yet, but I can watch the code as it runs. The Micrium book and provided example code read a temperature sensor on the eval board. The code does not do anything significant with the reading, but Probe can display the temperaturr as a number and in a display that looks and acts like a bulb thermometer. Obviously other guages or indicators can be used.

Again, note that the code doesn't do anything with the value, Probe gets it and displays it in the manner the programmer chooses. Obviously it must consume resources, but I am pretty sure those can be used wisely as the project becomes more sophisticated.
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